Trusting The Promise-Keeper
Written by Pastor Kyle Jones
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
When a child faces a bully on the playground, their courage often comes from knowing someone stronger is standing beside them—a parent, teacher, or sibling who can step in if needed. Their confidence doesn’t come from their own strength but from the assurance of someone greater at their side. In the same way, our strength to fight sin doesn’t come from our own ability but from the presence and victory of someone greater: Jesus Christ.
In Joshua 1, God gave Joshua a daunting task: to lead Israel into the Promised Land, face powerful enemies, and claim the inheritance God had promised. God reassured him with these words: “Be strong and courageous...for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua’s courage didn’t rest on his own strength or wisdom but on God’s presence and promise. Yet Joshua’s mission was incomplete. Though he was a faithful leader, his victories were temporary, and his leadership ended with his death. Joshua’s life points us to Jesus, the true and greater Joshua. Jesus doesn’t merely lead us into a temporary land but secures an eternal inheritance. His victory over sin and death is final, and through His resurrection, He guarantees that God is forever with us.
This truth changes everything about our daily fight with sin. Just as God promised Joshua His presence, Jesus fulfills that promise as Emmanuel, “God with us.” Through His Spirit, Jesus equips us to face sin with strength and courage. We no longer fight as those trying to secure a victory but as those living in the victory Christ has already won. When temptation strikes, we can stand strong because Jesus is our greater Joshua. He has gone before us, conquered sin, and now walks with us, empowering us to live in His victory. Our courage comes not from self-reliance but from the assurance that He who overcame sin and death is with us always. Today, as you encounter challenges and temptations, remember that you are not alone. Jesus, your Savior and champion, fights for you and strengthens you. Be strong and courageous—not because of who you are, but because of who is with you.
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