The Call To Holiness
Written by Pastor Kyle Jones
“You shall follow my rules and keep my statutes and walk in them. I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 18:4)
God's command to Israel in Leviticus 18 was clear: live differently from the surrounding nations. Why? Because He is the Lord, holy and set apart. In these verses, God not only reminds His people of who He is but also calls them to reflect His holiness in their lives. Israel had been freed from slavery in Egypt—a land steeped in idolatry and unclean practices. Yet, even after their physical liberation, their hearts often longed to return to what was familiar. God’s laws served as a mirror, showing them their spiritual condition and the need to be set apart for His presence.
God’s call to holiness wasn’t just for their good—it was rooted in His character. The phrase “I am the Lord” punctuates Leviticus, anchoring His commands in His unchanging nature. Holiness means being distinct, and as God’s people, Israel was to reflect Him in their conduct, resisting both the temptations of their past (Egypt) and the corrupt practices of their future neighbors (Canaan). Fast-forward to today, and the call remains the same. As followers of Christ, we are not saved by keeping laws; salvation comes through Jesus, who perfectly fulfilled the law. Yet, the principles of holiness still guide us. In a world that pulls us in every direction, God calls us to live in a way that reflects His purity and love.
This isn’t easy. Our natural inclination is to rebel, to take shortcuts, or to conform to cultural norms. And it’s not supposed to be easy. God’s law shows us just how far apart from God we are. It takes the Gospel—the good news of Jesus—to do the real work of transformation and bring us to obedience. Like water sprinkled to settle dust, the gospel purifies us, making room for God’s Spirit to dwell within and reshape us from the inside out.
How do we respond to such a call? By keeping our eyes on Christ. His death and resurrection defeated sin, and through the Holy Spirit, He empowers us to walk in newness of life. When temptations arise, we can resist because of the freedom we’ve found in Him. We no longer have to live as slaves to sin or follow the shifting values of the world. Today, consider areas where you’ve allowed culture or past habits to shape your thinking. Remember God’s holiness and your identity as His child. Through Scripture, prayer, and the work of the Spirit, allow God to refine you. Walk in the freedom He offers—not to earn salvation, but as a reflection of His transforming grace. He is the Lord, and His call to holiness is not just a command; it’s an invitation to live the abundant life He has prepared for you.
Image by Alberto Restifo at Unsplash.