Listen, Read66 blog, devotional


Written by Pastor Kyle Jones

“Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. (Deuteronomy 6:4 - 6)

Imagine standing among the Israelites, surrounded by the hum of anticipation, as these words echo through the camp: 'Hear, O Israel.' This passage, called 'The Shema' in Hebrew, was not just a declaration—it was the heartbeat of their faith, encapsulating their identity and relationship with God. This command to listen is not a passive request but a call to active obedience, demanding attention, reflection, and response. It reminds Israel—and us—that the Lord is not one of many gods but the only God, sovereign and indivisible. As the one true God, His uniqueness demands our exclusive devotion and undivided allegiance, setting the foundation for how God’s people should live in relationship with Him.

The command to love God with all our heart, soul, and might reveals the depth of the relationship God desires. This is no mere intellectual assent or external ritual. Biblical love involves the totality of one’s being—affections, will, and strength—all directed toward God. Such love moves beyond duty or tradition and becomes the very essence of how we live, anchoring us in a relationship with our Creator that is both intimate and all-encompassing.

Jesus is the perfecter of the Shema, embodying wholehearted love for the Father in His perfect obedience and selfless sacrifice. His life is the ultimate model of undivided devotion. Jesus demonstrated perfect love for the Father through His unwavering obedience, even to the point of death. At the same time, He embodied love for others, healing the sick, forgiving sinners, and laying down His life for His friends. When asked about the greatest commandment, He quoted this very passage, coupling it with the command to love one’s neighbor (Mark 12:29-31). This shows that loving God with all our heart, soul, and strength is inseparable from living out His love toward others. To love God fully is to extend that love in practical, tangible ways, reflecting His character to the world around us. This might mean showing patience in difficult relationships, offering help to those in need, or forgiving as Christ forgave us. Yet, this call remains challenging. Distractions, idols, and divided loyalties constantly vie for our attention, pulling our affections in countless directions. So, the Shema invites us to realign our hearts daily, remembering that God alone deserves our deepest devotion. Through prayer, Scripture, and the Spirit’s work, we grow in love for Him, reflecting His holiness in a world desperate for His truth. This process is ongoing, requiring us to examine our lives continually and submit every aspect of ourselves to His lordship. Loving God is not simply a private affair; it transforms how we engage with the world, drawing others to see His love through us. May the words of the Shema dwell richly in your heart, shaping every thought and action as an offering of love to the one true God.

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